Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Relationship Between Diet and Depression

We know that our diet plays an important role in maintaining overall health. However, not much people understand the relationship between depression and diet. In fact, diet has direct link to depression, and we may make use of correct diet and some supplements instead of antidepressant to ease the depression and depression symptoms.

Essential fatty acid
Studies have revealed that there is a strong relationship between the lack of essential fatty acid ie. omega-3 fatty acid consumption and many behavioral conditions like depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder and Alzheimer's disease. In fact, lack of omega-3 fatty acid can weaken the cellular function and brain metabolism. Besides stay physically active and make effort to reduce stress, we can actually reduce the symptoms that come with depression by consuming more omega-3 fatty acid.

The good sources of omega-3 fatty acid in your diet include deep water fish like salmon, mackerel, sardines, and anchovies, nuts and olive oil. Anyway, you can take fish oil supplementation if you want as it is also a good source to get enough omega-3 fatty acids.

There is a research that indicates that carbohydrates are one of the anti-depression diet. It can lessen the premenstrual syndrome. By eating a high density of carbohydrates can aid in diminishing the effect of depression as carbohydrates can repair the imbalance ration of the specific fatty acid, and thus help in reducing the risk of depression. Of course, it is recommended you consume complex carbohydrates such as vegetables, fruits and whole wheat products rather than simple carbohydrates like sweet, doughnut and white bread for overall health purpose.

Caffeine drinks
There is also a study reveals that moderate consumption of caffeine drinks can lower the symptoms of depression. Of course any excess can heighten the risk, and is not good for health. Although the doctors have formulated that you can reduce the effect of depression by drinking coffee or tea from this study, further researches are needed to support this recommendation.

Vitamin and minerals
Vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B, Iodine, vitamin C, calcium, and amino acid have been associated with some protection against depression. Niacin is also a very important in the production of tryptophan that helps promotes Vitamin B3 and it has been found out that it regulates blood flow in order to avoid mental depression. In addition, Vitamin B12 and calcium ingredients may help in reducing depression symptoms that take place especially during the monthly menstrual period. There was a study conducted in the year 2001, showing that this vitamin and mineral can prevent postpartum depression.

In fact, choosing the right diet for depression is one of the most effective weapons to vanish the blues. You can see some improvement by only changing your diet and have some supplements. Of course, you need to aware that there are also certain habits that contain harmful substances that may trigger the symptoms of depression, such as drink alcoholic beverages, too much cigarette smoking, and drug overdose. So, choose your food wisely and have a proper diet in order to get rid of depression.


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